Teaching students how to move intelligently is one of my top priorities. Identifing the warning signs of poor movement patterns, which, over time, can lead to repetitive stress injuries, is key. As I began to study movement on a deeper level, I discovered Jill Miller and Yoga Tune Up®.
As a Certified Yoga Tune Up® Instructor, I will guide you through ball-rolling techniques, which will help you
- Eradicate pain
- Improve posture
- Enhance performance through a unique blend of corrective exercise, self- massage and yoga.
Additionally, YTU® helps athletes recover and will keep your joints and tissues healthy while reducing injuries and enhancing performance. My overall intention is to awaken the importance of body awareness, proper postural alignment and functional movement patterns.
I am a Certified YTU Instructor, since 2014, and continue to study directly with Jill Miller. My practice, teachings and continued education has lead me on a stimulating journey that has allowed me the opportunity to help people appreciate and rediscover a love for the human body.
Come & explore your body in a completely different way!