I remember when I first started sending newsletters out. Initially, my strategy for sending them was to connect with students and keep them updated on my teaching schedule and any additional offerings I had available, whether that was workshops, special classes, retreats, etc. This was great because I didn't have to rely on seeing students in person in order to talk with them. And I wasn't limited by the short amount of time I had to talk at the start of class.
I knew newsletters should be a part of my business, but at the time I didn't fully realize how important they are. Now after 10 years of sending out newsletters, I fully understand their importance and I want you to as well.
In this episode, I'll share with you some ideas to add to your newsletters so your subscribers can't wait to open them because they know there will be so much value inside!
Want to learn how to turn your teaching into a business? In The Business of Yoga 2.0 coaching program, we work together to create the yoga teaching career you crave! Join the waitlist HERE for more information!
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<< Previous Episode - Ep 13: Emails- How Building A List Can Catapult Your Business
>> Next Episode - Ep 15: Branding - Mastering your Yoga Teaching Identity
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