Listen To My Latest Podcast Episode:

Ep 45: 65 Strategies to Calm your Nervous System

Listen To My Latest Podcast Episode: Ep 45: 65 Strategies to Calm your Nervous System



This is a very special episode because I think we all need some strategies right about now! Get your journal and jot these down!  Whether you're listening for the first time or you've come back to this episode when you have a chance to sit for a moment, this list of strategies to help soothe your nervous system & can be utilized whenever you need them.

You could be at home or out with friends. Some of these you can do without anyone around you, knowing what you're even up to,  because sometimes you feel the most stressed when you're not alone.

The busiest time of year is approaching with holidays, family celebrations, elections, and so forth, so you just might get a little stressed out.

So I'm glad to offer you this list of stress, reducing practices just for you. Pick one or pick a few, try them out and notice what happens.

Freebie: Yoga Sequencing for Different Injuries

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