Listen To My Latest Podcast Episode:

Ep 27: The Hyper-sexualization of Yoga

Listen To My Latest Podcast Episode: Ep 27: The Hyper-sexualization of Yoga



Instead of being a place for mental peace in personal growth, yoga becomes another source of societal pressure. One way the hypersexualization of yoga  harms students is via their mental and emotional wellbeing. The pressure to match idealized images can lead to anxiety, stress, and even eating disorders, and this is especially worrying. 

Students turn to yoga to escape the very stress and societal expectations that they are experiencing in life, many times caused by hypersexualization and body image issues.

In this episode, I'll discuss how hyper-sexualization began and recommendations on how to mitigate the issue and make changes in your position as the teacher. Therefore, anyone who's interested in practicing yoga, doesn't have to cut through all of this noise too. 

I'm excited for this conversation and can't wait for you to have a listen!

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