Listen To My Latest Podcast Episode:

Ep 25: Yoga, Social Media, Comparison & Competition

Listen To My Latest Podcast Episode: Ep 25: Yoga, Social Media, Comparison & Competition




All levels yoga classes do not benefit the student! There, I said it! I've struggled with the way that yoga has been commodified here in the west, we've changed the practice into this fitness routine. It's a "Get in, get on your mat, work hard, sweat it out, get out and shuffle in the next class" environment. And it's madness.

In this episode, I'll cover three things:

  1. Why all levels classes benefit studios.
  2. The potential problems for teachers and students. And,
  3. Solutions - how to address the issues that come with all levels classes.

I'm glad you're here now. Let's get into it.

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