Listen To My Latest Podcast Episode:

Ep 25: Yoga, Social Media, Comparison & Competition

Listen To My Latest Podcast Episode: Ep 25: Yoga, Social Media, Comparison & Competition




Do you use social media for work - to share your classes or any other offerings? Have you ever felt like social media blurred the lines between your personal and professional boundaries?

Sharing glimpses of your personal life can foster connection and relate-ability with your audience, but it can also lead to a loss of privacy and a sense of constant scrutiny, whether it's self-imposed or from the public. The pressure to maintain a consistent online presence and engage with the people you're connected with can be draining often encroaching upon valuable time for self care and personal practice.

Additionally, the pursuit of likes followers and validation may overshadow the genuine intention to share valuable insights and teachings. Leading to a shift in focus from serving students to seeking external validation. This episode is all about cultivating healthy ways to show up on social media and use it as a tool for connection instead of comparison.

We're connected like never before, but no one gave us helpful strategies to care for our mental health as we scroll. So let's get to it!

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