Listen To My Latest Podcast Episode:

Ep 24: Yoga Teaching & Enforcing Boundaries

Listen To My Latest Podcast Episode: Ep 24: Yoga Teaching & Enforcing Boundaries


Episode 24:  YOGA



In relationships, boundaries are the rules we set for ourselves about what's okay & what's not okay, and how we're treated & how we treat others. Boundaries, help us feel safe and respected. When we have clear boundaries and stick to them, It makes our relationships stronger because we know where we stand and what to expect. When your boundaries are unclear or ignored, it can lead to problems like misunderstandings hurt feelings, arguments, and potentially disrupt your relationships.

Understanding how boundaries work is important for making sure our connections with others are healthy and positive. As well as knowing when to step away and enforce distance.

That's what this episode is about... Boundaries. The difference between healthy and unhealthy boundaries, what life looks like in the absence of them and how to go about establishing and maintaining your boundaries.

Buckle up my friends, get your journals and let's get to it.

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